Meet The Team

Jamie Iliescu
– Lead Designer, Co-Producer
An environmental scientist turned game designer, Jamie uses his understanding of scientific processes and ecology to inform his systems and economy designs as well as using the data collection and analysis skills vital to both science and game design.

Jamie is inspired by virtual worlds such as Ultima Online and one day hopes to work on a big budget MMO.

Personal Portfolio: HERE

Zoe Rowen
– Producer, Part-time
Despite her youthful good looks, Zoe was in fact an 80s AD&D 1st ed. nerd. Over the years, she has been an apiarist, philosopher, screen printer, journalist and boy. Now she makes games, just like her 80s childhood hero, Roberta Williams.

Aly Fackrell
– Lead Programmer
Aly has been a tech enthusiast most of her life. Having worked
as an AV technician and lighting programmer, she has been playing games since she was old enough to use a controller. She
has a love for anything Undertale related and adorable.

Personal Portfolio: HERE

Laura Clark
– Lead Artist & Art Director
Laura Clark is a Sydney born and based artist with an insatiable
passion for the arts. She has a broad range of interests
and skills with professional qualifications in jewellery,
sculpture, animation and 3D art. Alongside this she
pursues other interests such as cosplay, singing and

At the core of all this though is her love for drawing,
something she’s done since she could hold a pencil.
Drawing and illustration has been a compulsion more
than a hobby for all of her life. Her pathway into the animation
industry is what led her into game art and design.

Sianna Back
– Artist
Sianna has been drawing for most of her life and enjoys finding ways of improving her artistic skill, she has a fascination for weird and wacky creatures and plays action adventure games in her spare time.



Our sound and music design is provided by Strange Band Audio:

Jody Toomey’s website

Hal Rees’s website

Heartbeat Intensity’s website

In game font is generously provided to us by Dyslexie Font, a font designed to be easily readable by dyslexic people and is dedicated to raising awareness and improving the lives of dyslexic people.
For more information, please visit

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